Our Story

The search for quality toys started when our daughter was born. Instinctively, as new parents we wanted a safer and better prepared environment for her. This search for quality baby products lead us to these toy brands that we would like to share with everyone.

We have all been there. As parents, we find that our children have too many short-lived toys. What was once exciting is now ignored. We know these toys all too well. They are quickly placed in a box, left to gather dust.

Children learn the most through the power of play. This is our held belief. The purpose of toys is to bring joy, delight and most importantly, inspire children to play. We agree with the claim that not all toys are created equal, that there are toys worth more investing in.

Our goal is to bring you a curated collection of quality toys that will help in your child’s journey of play-based learning. These collections are here to stay with you and your children as these pieces are designed to evolve in the ways they are played with.

Sourced from different parts of the world, these open-ended toys will nurture your child’s innate curiosity and creativity.